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Preconfigured apps for Ziik

Learningbank logo


Learningbank combines learning management, onboarding, e-learning and skill management in a user-friendly cloud based Learning Management System (LMS).
Walor logo


Walor is a plug and play whistleblower solution that enables organizations to comply with the whistleblower legislation – and get a secure and user-friendly channel for internal whistleblowing.

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Workfeed logo


At Ziik we value user-friendliness and plug-n-play. From scheduling to time tracking - Workfeed has you covered. With the Workfeed integration, all personnel are automatically synchronised from the shift plan system.
tamigo logo


Tamigo is a cloud-based workforce management solution that combines scheduling, absence management, performance, HR, finance and forecasting in one solution.
Caspeco logo


Caspeco is a supplier of systems within the restaurant, hotel and experience industry. With the industry's widest range of systems, Caspeco 360, Caspeco delivers systems in Booking, Cashiering, Personnel and Analysis.
power bi logo

BIWise Power Integrator

BIWise Power Integrator for Ziik integrates Microsoft Power BI with Ziik, so you can automatically and easily send out your key figures and reports. You just need to choose the right recipient groups in your organization and at what time it should be sent.

Microsoft Entra ID

Synchronises users from your Microsoft Entra ID with Ziik, keeping user management in one place.

Microsoft Entra ID

Microsoft Entra Single Sign-On

Microsoft Entra Single Sign-On (SSO) authenticates users against your Microsoft Entra ID, keeping user management in one place.

Microsoft Entra (SSO)
onelogin logo


Onelogin is a unified access management system platform for enterprise-level organizations. The integration with ensures that you only need one place to manage your users and passwords
ordrestyring logo


Ordrestyring helps craftsmen register their hourly work while providing an overview of all their orders as well as the overall financial status of their customers.
Sociuu logo


The Sociuu Employee Advocacy platform integration allows all Ziik customers to engage their employees in the company's Employer branding as well as their communication and marketing activities.
saml logo


Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open standard single sign-on for exchanging authentication and authorization data between businesses or more specifically identity providers and service providers.


Timegrip is a comprehensive workforce management software provider that offers scheduling, time reporting, payroll management, and operational solutions across cloud-based or on-premise deployments. The integration synchronizes all staff from Timegrip to Ziik, saving time and administration.

Direct access to your team collaboration docs

Use Quicklinks to set-up direct and easy access to your online documents, and decide who should be able to see them.

Integrate Microsoft Power BI with Ziik

Start serving your Business Data directly to relevant users and roles in Ziik. Our partner, Biwise, has created an interface between Microsoft Power BI and Ziik.

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Connect your User Directory to Ziik

Connect Ziik to your Microsoft Azure Active Directory to seamlessly authenticate users, grant access to specific information and define roles.

online meeting

Jump straight to your online Meeting rooms from Ziik

Whether your organisation uses Zoom, Teams or another video conferencing tool, you can make it easy for everybody to jump in and out of meetings by setting up Quicklinks in Ziik.

ziik code mockup

Build your own integration with our REST API

Haven’t we built an integration for your favourite solution yet? Either tell us – or beat us to it by building your own with our REST API.

See our API documentation

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