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About the company

Vesti Olsen is a Danish construction company with 50 employees active on construction sites all over Denmark. An increased focus on internal communication, employee engagement and corporate culture resulted in Ziik being chosen as the internal information sharing platform to bring colleagues together online.

Challenges before Ziik

When Christian Vesti Olsen took over as CEO after his father in 2015, he decided to increase the company’s focus on internal communication and employee engagement. The company runs an impressive number of annual internal events, both professional and social, but needed a platform to facilitate daily updates, news and two-way communication.

Vesti Olsen gathers all employees under one roof with Ziik


  • No intranet

  • No channel for sharing internal news

  • Hard to promote company culture and team spirit

Favourite features

  • Activities

  • Image sharing

  • Messaging

Requirements for a new solution

“The majority of our employees are builders, construction workers and craftsmen. They’re hardly ever sat in front of a computer, so the fact that Ziik delivers all its features through a smartphone app as well was one of the deciding factors,” says Charlotte Pihl, Marketing and administration assistant in Vesti Olsen, and takes us on a tour of how they use Ziik.


Sharing the message

Almost everyone uses the Ziik platform now. Some of the older colleagues haven’t really jumped into the digital age, but their younger colleagues keep them up to date with what’s being shared on the app. After all, we’re still a people company working with and for each other and helping each other succeed.

Say it loud

We’ve also discovered an important, unexpected win: We have a number of colleagues who can’t read Danish too well, but when they receive messages and information through Ziik, their phones can read it aloud to them. That way, they don’t miss out on any important stuff.

What's in a word?

When you want to focus more on your employees, it’s great to be able to gather everything under one roof, where everyone has access. And people have started using it for fun as well. This summer, there was a national debate in Denmark about the word ‘eskimo’. Most of the public focus was on a brand of ice cream, but one colleague posted a photo on Ziik of his Eskimo-brand concrete tools and deadpanned, ‘What about these, then?’

Informal and fun

We also use Ziik to do contests, where you can win ‘smørrebrød’, open-faced sandwiches, for lunch for the whole team or the whole construction site. Our colleagues on the sites also use Ziik to share important construction milestones or other achievements they’re proud of. And we use it to wish each other happy birthdays.

Breaking news

During the COVID-19 crisis, Ziik was great for keeping everyone up to date on developments. Our CEO would watch the press briefings, turn off the TV and message us all to explain how the changing policies would affect our company straight away.

"Ziik er mjög opinn fyrir tillögum og beiðnum um nýja eiginleika. Það er frábært!"
Charlotte Pihl

Charlotte Pihl

Marketing- & administration assistant

Read other case studies

Read how other companies are improving their communications with Ziik.

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