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Aabenraa, Denmark

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Transportation and logistics

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Um fyrirtækið

Sejer & Sønnichsen is a transport company based in South Jutland, specialising in tailor-made transport solutions and helping customers with their logistical challenges.

With a fleet of more than 35 trucks, the company handles a wide range of daily tasks including waste collection, tank transport, construction debris removal and by-product transport.

A strong focus on reliability and service excellence is at the heart of the business, supported by a dedicated team of around 60 employees. The drivers, workshop staff and administration team are recognised for their dedication and sense of responsibility in every task they undertake.

Challenges before Ziik?

With most employees on the road, a significant amount of time is spent on direct communication to ensure daily operations run smoothly and important information reaches everyone. However, relying on manual processes often leads to lost information, making it harder to manage daily tasks and scale operations efficiently without sacrificing quality. If not addressed in time, this can impact the bottom line.

Ziik is always on the move with Sejer & Sønnichsen


  • Rapid growth

  • No digital intranet/employee app

  • Limited resources in the administration

Uppáhalds eiginleikar

  • Handbækur

  • Hópar

  • Newsfeed

Kröfur um nýja lausn

The key priority is ease of use, management, and maintenance. A strong search function and familiar social media-style communication are also essential. I've tested many systems with extensive features, but if they’re too complicated to use, their capabilities don’t matter in practice.


We got the majority of our employees using Ziik in no time, which in itself is a success. Ziik is extremely intuitive to use and once you familiarise yourself with it, Ziik can do much more than you think. The fact that support is Danish and always available is a huge plus.


Our manuals cover everything from quality assurance and self-monitoring to instructions and the employee handbook. The key benefit is the ability to easily target content to the right people. Plus, the search function ensures you quickly find what you need, whether it’s passwords/access codes or other essential information, all maintained in a single app.


We use this feature extensively to easily index and distribute documents, PDFs, images, and videos. It allows us to make essential files, such as trailer registration certificates, readily available on mobile or tablet. Additionally, it has significantly simplified the organization of workplace assessments and work environment management.


Whether it's a birthday, an anniversary, or any other event, sharing news with some or all employees is quick and simple. The read confirmation feature makes it easy to track who has acknowledged the message and who still needs to.


Communication in Ziik feels just like social media, making it familiar and easy to use. The text-to-speech feature is a great addition, promoting inclusivity and helping employees stay focused while on the road.  

One major advantage of Ziik is how effortlessly groups can be managed. Plus, since social media accounts aren’t required, everyone can stay connected without barriers. A standout success for us has been the dedicated group for drivers.

Pricing Model

Right now, I haven’t come across any other software solutions that offer no start-up fees or long-term commitments. Even with a strong financial position, it’s crucial to only pay for services that truly add value.

What makes it even better is that you have a dedicated contact person to guide you through the process from start to finish - something truly unique in the self-service world!

If you're looking for an employee app that solves a wide range of problems and is easy to use for both administration and employees, Ziik is fantastic!
Hans-Christian Sønnichsen

Hans-Christian Sønnichsen


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