HQ Helsingborg, 4 regional offices in Sweden
Commercial real estate
Catena Fastigheter AB is a listed property company that develops, owns and manages logistics facilities across Sweden and Scandinavia. Catena's 45 employees are divided between its five hubs in Stockholm, Helsingborg, Gothenburg, Malmö and Jönköping. A large number of Catena's employees spend most of their work hours supervising and visiting Catena properties, only checking in at their local Catena office.
"Before we started using Ziik, we had no intranet at all. All company-wide information went out on e-mails or through meetings. We had no tools for dialogue, no interactivity, it was strictly one-way communication. We couldn't be sure everyone got their messages, and if they did, we couldn’t be sure if they read them."
No intranet
No channel for disseminating internal news
Lack of overview
Image sharing
Liking and commenting
Simplicity and accessibility. Those were our main requirements when we started looking for an intranet solution. Our employees are on the go all the time, supervising our facilities across Sweden. It had to be easy for them to get information at the same time as the rest of the company, and to like and to comment on that information.
Because Ziik is a social platform as well as a platform for information sharing, Ziik has become a meeting point across the organisation that we didn’t have before. It has become both a digital office, where we get work done, and a digital living room, where we can relax and shoot the breeze.
We wanted a system without a complicated setup, and Ziik has definitely delivered. Getting started was easier than I thought. I can see the user statistics, and while not everyone posts content, everyone uses Ziik to send and receive messages, and everyone sees the shared posts.
Image sharing is also popular. Sharing a photo from one of our sites where you've just completed a new solar panel installation, and going “Look what we’ve done!”. And then the colleagues start liking it, and someone starts asking about the details. It's sharing knowledge and sharing inspiration and having fun with your colleagues at the same time.
Ziik is also a great tool for onboarding new employees. I always introduce them to Ziik on the first day and show them all the handbooks and manuals. And I also show them the posts for the last couple of months. That gives them a good picture of the company culture, and it’s good for them to know who to ask and who are the experts on different topics.
"We've always scored well in our annual employee satisfaction surveys. I know you want me to say it's because of Ziik, but I can't say that it's only that. But it has definitely helped."
Read how other companies are improving their communications with Ziik.