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Hobro, Denmark

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Transportation and logistics

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About the company

DFDS Køletransport is a refrigerated/frozen goods transport company headquartered in Hobro, Denmark. They have a small office and a refrigerated cold storage facility in Horsens as well, but their main activity is on the roads all over Denmark. In all, they have some 200 trucks on the road at all times.

Challenges before Ziik

We needed a way to help us get information out to all our employees across our different locations, and for our employees to communicate and ask questions. We also wanted to make it easier for our employees to search for and find information like new policies, onboarding processes and so on. Before getting Ziik, DFDS Køletransport couldn’t message all drivers at once. Instead, they had to send out messages through their booking system.

As their drivers and trucks were spread across Denmark, it was also hard to keep all drivers updated on changes in procedures for unloading cargo at their customers, changes to routes and other essential information.

DFDS Køletransport keeps it cool with Ziik


  • No intranet

  • No platform for sharing important messages

  • No platform for sharing important information

Favourite features

  • Quicklinks

  • Hópar

  • Handbooks

Requirements for a new solution

DFDS Køletransport went looking for an intranet solution with a strong mobile application that would enable them to get messages out to drivers and other employees instantly. Keeping critical instructions and information from customers and business partners constantly updated and available for drivers was also crucial. Using public social media platforms was out of the question due to concerns over data ownership.


Everyone on board

Today, every employee in DFDS Køletransport is an active Ziik member. Emilie Bjarnskov, HR Advisor with the company, explains: “We are happy to have a platform like Ziik, where we can inform especially our employees on the road about important information and new procedures”

Customer procedures

We’ve created a folder for each of our customers under our Contacts section. Here, drivers can find out everything they need to know when making a delivery. Which bay to unload at, passcodes or specific routes to take. Our drivers are often assigned to different customers, so it’s a very valuable tool for them to prepare the day’s work.

Ahead of traffic

Our drivers also use the group messaging option to warn each other about heavy traffic, roadworks and so on. That way, their colleagues can plan ahead, reroute and save time.

Great onboarding tool

I find Ziik is a very useful tool for onboarding new employees. On Ziik, they can find anything from handbooks and manuals to customer procedures and useful contacts like shop stewards and the occupational health and safety representative.

"Þú getur fundið miklu meira en þú heldur á Ziik!"
Emilie Bjarnskov

Emilie Bjarnskov


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