11 Clinics in Denmark
Dental care
Oris is a Danish chain of independently owned but closely cooperating dental clinics with a shared head-office and administration in Lystrup near Aarhus. Oris has 11 clinics and some 160 employees, offering everything from routine dental care to dental surgery, implants and tooth alignment.
Oris has a strong focus on implementing digital solutions, e.g. using 3D scans to model dental crowns rather than plaster molds. But when it came to internal communication, they realized they were lagging behind, relying on e-mail, print-outs and (analog) bulletin boards. With Ziik, Oris’ focus on digital solutions has now also been applied to their internal communication – and the employees have taken it to heart, says Kathrine Østergaard, PA & Business Developer at Oris.
“When we started looking for a modern intranet solution for Oris, one of our primary concerns was ease of use” says Kathrine. Another deciding factor was being able to target information and messages so employees only receive information that is relevant to them. “Dentists and dental hygienists are very hands-on persons, and they want to spend their time on their patients, not looking at screens.”
No intranet
No channel for sharing knowledge
Difficult to get through to all employees
Message funneling
"One of the reasons we chose Ziik was the intuitive user interface. It doesn’t require any training to get started, you just seem to know your way around it. Also, it probably helped that we implemented it just before the first COVID-19 lockdown hit. People had plenty of time to get to know the system, and it was our primary way to stay in touch and keep everyone updated on how the crisis affected our clinics."
“With Ziik, we’ve been given a direct line of communication from head office to every employee - and back again. Not to mention all the different groups for clinics, specific roles and specializations. When you log into Ziik, you only find information that is relevant to you. That’s one of the reasons our employees have taken it to heart. They can trust they won’t get spammed with irrelevant information.”
“As I mentioned, we got going with Ziik just before the spring 2020 lockdown, so the platform was immediately valuable for us. A year in, we’ve had our first employee satisfaction survey since implementing Ziik, and according to the survey, employees are feeling more included now. There’s a good chance it’s the result of Ziik."
“One of the biggest wins we’ve had with Ziik is the increased communication between clinics. Before, information sharing practically had to be set up by the head office. Now, they’re directly in touch with each other, asking for advice, recommending interesting courses, or exchanging tips on how best to set up the clinics to comply with COVID-19 regulations.”
“Another major win has been setting up groups for professional specializations. If you’re the only dentist specializing in tooth alignment at a clinic, you might miss someone to discuss developments within your field. Well, now we have a professional forum online, gathering every specialist across all our clinics in relevant groups.”
“During the COVID-19 crisis, Ziik was great for keeping everyone up to date on developments. Our CEO posted videos to Ziik explaining precisely what all the different new rules and regulations meant for our clinics, what safety measures would be required once we were allowed to see patients again, and when we could expect that to happen.”
„Starfsmenn okkar hafa nú vettvang til að deila þekkingu með samstarfsfólki á milli heilsugæslustöðva. Það lætur þá líða meira með og hluti af stærri heild.“
Read how other companies are improving their communications with Ziik.