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300 stores across Sweden

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About the company

Life Europe owns and operates the leading health chain in the Nordics, selling a wide variety of health products, diet supplements, sports articles, health advice and more. Since opening its first store in Marieberg, Sweden, in 1994, the company has grown to a chain of about 300 stores across Sweden, Norway and Finland. Life Europe owns a number of these stores, while the rest are franchised. Add to that a successful online store, and the company employs some 1100 people in total today.

Challenges before Ziik

“The challenge was that we simply didn’t have a shared platform for internal communication. ​​We had one local platform in Sweden. But it had become so old, it wasn’t supported anymore, and it contained a lot of outdated information. The other countries, Norway and Finland, didn’t have a platform at all. Norway tried the one we used in Sweden, but stopped using it fairly quickly,” explains Malin Borén, Nordic HR Manager for Life Europe, who has taken time out from her maternity leave to share her experiences with Ziik so far.

Requirements for a new solution

“We wanted a shared Nordic platform, one that would look, feel and do the same across all the countries we are active in. Of course we wanted something that would let us share news, documents and important information. But more importantly, we wanted a platform that would enable us to communicate both from management to employees and the other way around. We wanted to be able to chat with employees, to get in touch with everyone, and to create groups to inspire and share information with each other. We tried several solutions. Ziik was the most dynamic solution we tried – and it still is!”

Common Ground: Ziik Brings 300 Health Stores Across Scandinavia Together


  • No shared platform

  • Need for communication across borders

  • Need for a system useful for shop workers

Favourite features

  • Hópar

  • Spjall

  • Newsfeed


Setup and support

“We had a project team at Life with our Sales and IT Manager on, as well as local HR Partners. We met online with the Ziik team, and everything was done remotely. We had the whole platform set up and implemented in six weeks. The Ziik team is fast at fixing things, and they help a lot to make things happen. If you come to them with a problem or a suggestion, they look into it straight away, and then come up with different solutions to fix the things you want.”


“We went live with Ziik in June of 2021 after a six-week implementation period. Ziik is a really dynamic solution. There are many different ways of doing things, so you can choose the way that suits your organization. There is usually a solution to the things you want. Like showing documents on screen instead of having to download them.”

Easy for employees to get started

“When we deployed Ziik and invited everyone to get started, I could see from the statistics that it got really high engagement from employees. Being on maternity leave, I don’t know what the score is right now. But it was easy for employees to get started.”

Getting the whole organization involved

“The implementation of Ziik across our organization was really successful. The whole organization got involved, because it was an opportunity to get to know how to use it in the different departments. Also, it was important that everyone got involved so it would go faster.”

First shared platform

“It is our first shared platform across the Nordics, and this has been an important goal for our organization. That has helped drive engagement in the project, and we’re all happy that we’ve reached this goal. Now we all just need to get really used to using it!”

"Ziik er mjög kraftmikið kerfi. Þú getur sérsniðið það að þörfum fyrirtækisins á margan hátt."
Malin Borén

Malin Borén

Nordic HR Manager

Read other case studies

Read how other companies are improving their communications with Ziik.

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